Tan Siddharta is a Partner at Nexia KPS. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Professional Accounting at Institute of Economic Science YAI in 1987 at Indonesia, Tan Siddharta has a broad exposure to public and private company, multi national, regional and national company, with various type of business from financial services to plantations, from general trading to integrated manufacturing companies.
Tan Siddharta is partner of the firm since the year 2017. Previously worked also as partner in various public accounting firms and private enterprises. Currently Tan Siddharta is present as Audit partner. Experience of working with international clients, also experience in services for public and private enterprises, including hospitality, manufacturing, coal mining, financial institution and other services. Experience in auditing corporate finance, human resources and equity restructuring. He used to work with Coopers & Lybrand International and as Chief Financial Officer with one major paper mills company in Indonesia.
Indonesia business environment and assurance services Handling clients of private enterprises needs specific and unique approach.