profile pict Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo

Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo

Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo is Audit Partner at Nexia KPS

Office Location : South Jakarta Office


Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo adalah seorang Partner Audit di Nexia KPS. Beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi bidang Akuntansi dari Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1997. Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo memiliki pengalaman yang luas pada perusahaan terbuka dan tertutup, perusahaan multinasional, regional dan nasional, dengan bidang usaha yang beragam, dari jasa keuangan hingga perkebunan, dan dari perdagangan umum hingga manufaktur terintegrasi. Beliau juga merupakan anggota aktif dari Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia dan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo is an Audit Partner at Nexia KPS. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Economy majoring Accounting from the University of Indonesia in 1997. Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo has a broad exposure to public and private company, multi national, regional and national company, with various type of business from financial services to plantations, from general trading to integrated manufacturing companies. He is also an active member of Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Indonesian Insitute of Accountants.

Professional Experience

Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo has joined the firm as a Partner since late 2019. Previously worked also as partner at Anwar & Rekan, member firm of DFK International, and about 15 years experience working at Ernst & Young Indonesia (Arthur Andersen Indonesia legacy). Currently Helli Isharyanto Budi Susetyo is present as Audit Partner. Experienced of working with international clients, also experienced in services for public and private enterprises, including hospitality, manufacturing, coal mining, plantation, financial institution and other services. Experienced in auditing, corporate finance, and equity restructuring.


  • Gained Bachelor Degree from University of Indonesia
  • Earned State Registered Accountant Reg. RNA 15863 , Chartered Accountant (CA) of Indonesia Institute of
  • Accontants (IAI) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of Indonesian Institute of CPA
  • Gained Public Accountant License from the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia
  • Registered at : Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) for Capital Market and Non-Bank Financial
  • Industries, The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Member of Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Member of Indonesia Institute of Accountants
  • Language : Indonesian and English


Indonesia business environment and assurance services. Handling clients of public and private enterprises needs specific and unique approach.

South Jakarta Office Contacts

Doly Fajar Damanik

Doly Fajar Damanik is Audit Partner at Nexia KPS


Patricia is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Maringan P Sibarani

Maringan P Sibarani is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Ryan Permana

Ryan Permana is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Desman P.L. Tobing

Desman P.L. Tobing is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Darmawan Harianto

Darmawan Harianto is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Sugito Wibowo

Sugito Wibowo is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS


Iswanul is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Ferdi Sulaiman

Ferdi Sulaiman is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Adeyana Widjaja

Adeyana Widjaja is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Tan Siddharta

Tan Siddharta is Partner in Nexia KPS
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