Yoyo Sukaryo Djenal is a Patner at Nexia KPS. currently he lead Nexia KPS Jakarta Barat Branch Office. He hold Chartered Accountant (CA) from Indonesia Institute of Accountants (IAI) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Indonesian Institute of Public Accountant (IAPI). He earned Master Degree in Accounting from Mercu Buana University. He also been a lecturer at one of University in Indonesia and oftenly as a speaker in various seminar. Yoyo Sukaryo Djenal was also active in the professional organization of the Indonesian Public Accountants Association. He's been active as an auditor since early 1980's and recently he has an interest in giving more services for small and medium entities.
Yoyo Sukaryo Djenal has an experience in practicing audit for 40 years. Experience of working with local and international clients in performing General Audit for various entities such as: State owned, public, private enterprises, cooperation, NGO, Non-Profit entities and pension fund. His professional judgement arise from his expertise from handling clients from various industries such as: properties, trading, hospitality, mining, manufacture, logistics, helath industries, plantation, telecommunication, and others.
Indonesia business environment and assurance services, Indonesia Tax Regulation and Business Environment, Accounting Standards, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting. Handling clients of state owned enterprises needs specific and unique approach, including technical and also importantly the communication as well as knowledge of governance practices in public sector. Responsible as International Nexia contact partner, thus filtering clients needs and channelling to the relevant persons