profile pict Rita Susilowati L

Rita Susilowati L

Rita Susilowati is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Office Location : Surabaya Office


Rita is a partner at Nexia KPS from Surabaya Branch Office. She is a member of the Indonesian Instititute of Accountant (IAI) and Indonesian Institute of Public Accountant (IAPI). Her professional certifications are Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Accountant (CA).She has experience in providing audit and assurance services to domestic and multinational companies, government companies, also public listed company.

Professional Experience

Rita specializes in areas of general audit, financial due diligence and internal control reviews. She is also experience for state owned, public and private companies, has served clients in various industries such as water resources, shipbuilding, manufacture and wholesaling, construction, agriculture, aircraft repair and Not-for-Profit Foundation.


  • Earned Accountant Degree from University of Airlangga Surabaya.
  • Earned Master Accountancy from University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya.
  • State Registered Accountant Reg. RNA 3319, Chartered Accountant (CA) of Indonesia Institute of Accontants (IAI) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of Institute of Indonesia CPA
  • Registered at: Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Capital Market, Government Auditor
  • Language: Indonesia and English


Indonesia business environment and assurance services Handling client from various size of various industry which needs specific and unique approach, including technical and communication as well as knowledge and professional experience.

Surabaya Office Contacts

Dini Noer Hidayah

Dini Noer Hidayah is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Harshya Aditya

Harshya Aditya is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Iskandar Dzulqarnain

Iskandar Dzulqarnain is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS
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