
A primary value of internal audit is to help identify innovative ideas and recommend the best practices to give business the competitive edge while at the same time continue to meet both the traditional and evolving expectations of the audit committee.

Working closely with the top management and audit committee members of our clients, we assist to :

  1. Steer the business towards continuous quality improvement
  2. Reduce cumbersome and unclear processes
  3. Mitigate risks, improve operations, and/or assist management in achieving its business objectives, in which the nature and scope of the engagements are agreed upon with the client
  4. Advice on corporate governance matters

Explore Our Audit Services

A primary value of internal audit is to help identify innovative ideas and recommend the best practices to give business the competitive edge while at the same time continue to meet both the traditional and evolving expectations of the audit committee. Working closely with the top management and audit committee members of our clients, we assist to : Steer the business towards continuous quality improvement Reduce cumbersome and unclear processes Mitigate risks, improve operations, and/or assist management in achieving its business objectives, in which the nature and scope of the engagements are agreed upon with the client Advice on corporate governance...

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Our internal audit team seeks to deliver more strategic value to our client by conducting regular and timely audits on the business processes and identifying the strategic risk that can truly impact shareholders value. Our Services include : Internal audit unit development Based on our experiences in many industries, we support the management of the company to establish Internal Audit department of which the most efficient and effective. We understand that every company is unique and has it own environment. They may differ in terms of size, complexity of the business process, regulation and so on, therefore we should consider them in developing...

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