profile pict Safrin Simarmata

Safrin Simarmata

Safrin Simarmata is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Office Location : Head Office


Safrin earned a bachelor's degree in Accounting from Atmajaya University and holds Master of Business Administration from Gadjah Mada University. He is also a member of Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI), Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI), and a lecturer with Faculty of Economics at Krisnadwipayana University.

Professional Experience

Safrin Simarmata is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS. He has 20 years of experience, encompassing audit and financial consulting services provided for national and multinational companies in Indonesia. His client ranges from various sizes of variety industries such as Manufacturing, Real Estate & Property, Hospitality, Energy, Trading, Transportation, Mining, Services and Agroindustry.


  • Certified Public Accountant Public Accountant License from Indonesia Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Registered Public Accountant from Ministry of Finance
  • Registered at OJK - Capital Market
  • Registered at OJK- Non Bank Financial Industry (IKNB)
  • Registered at OJK- Banking
  • Registered at OJK- Sharia Banking
  • Registered Accountant (Ak)
  • Chartered Accountant (CA)
  • Registered Sharia Accountant (SAS)
  • Registered at BPK RI (Supreme Audit Board)


Safrin has helped businesses in various industries in accounting consultations, audits, internal control attests.

Head Office Contacts

Sri Yanto

Sri Yanto is Partner in Nexia KPS


Syamsudin is Audit Partner at Nexia KPS

Robi Barmawanto

Robi Barmawanto is Consulting Partner at Nexia KPS

Aris Suryanta

Aris Suryanta is Managing Partner in Nexia KPS
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