profile pict Florus Daeli

Florus Daeli

Florus Daeli is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Office Location : Central Jakarta Office


Florus Daeli,SE,Ak,MM,CPA,CA,CTA,CRA,CLI is a Senior Partner at Nexia KPS. He obtained his Masters in Professional Management at Pelita Harapan (UPH) in 1993, Economics degree (SE) - Accounting from St. Thomas, and graduate accountants (Ak) - cum laude from Accounting education programs (PPAk) -Trisakti. Florus Daeli was also active in the professional organization of the Indonesian Public Accountants Association. Florus Daelil received a number of other certifications of CA from IAI, CRA (Certified Recever & Administration) from HKPI (Himpunan Kurator & Pengurus Indonesia) and CLI (Certified Liquidator Indonesia) from PPLI (Perkumpulan Profesi Likuidasi Indonesia)

Professional Experience

Florus Dali Started his career since 1993 by becoming an Auditor at KAP Prasetio, Utomo & Co. (SGV Utomo - Arthur Andersen Affiliated). He has worked as a senior consultant with the Indonesian Government Restructuring Agency (IBRA) to the Ministry of Finance, and has been active in KAP since 2006. Prior to the merger to KAP KPS, Florus is Senior Partner at KAP HEST - Kreston International. Florus Daeli is currently active as one of the heads of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) as a chairman of continuing education and training committee, and is listed as AP in the Ministry of Finance, OJK Banking, OJK Capital Markets, OJK IKNB, BPK, Ministry of Cooperatives, IAPI and IAI.


  • State Registered Accountant Reg. RNA 0126 , Chartered Accountant (CA) of Indonesia Institute of Accontants (IAI) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of Institute of Indonesia CPA, Public Accountant License from the MOF.
  • Registered at : Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK)and Capital Market, Government Auditor Office,
  • Board of IAPI (Indonesia Institute of CPA)
  • Certified of Teaching Audit
  • Member of AMCI (ASEAN CPA Monitoring Committee Indonesia)
  • Member of HKPI (Indonesia Institute of Curator and Receiver)
  • Profesional Receiver and Administration - CRA (Curator)
  • Profesional Certified of Teaching Audit - CTA
  • Language : Indonesia language and English.


Indonesia business environment and assurance services Handling a variety of corporate clients from various types of businesses requires a special and unique approach, including technical as well as communication and knowledge of governance practices in the public sector. Responsible as a Nexia International public accountant, who can meet the needs of clients in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia.

Central Jakarta Office Contacts

Ahmad Nadhif

Ahmad Nadhif is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Harris Siregar

Haris Siregar is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS

Barugamuri Dachi

Barugamuri Dachi is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS
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