Advisory & Transaction Services
Strategic Advisory

Strategic Advisory

We all do it. We focus on what is right in front of us, right now and work away in our businesses to get things done. It is important to stop and take time for your business as a whole and start prioritising the areas that need work. But where do you start?

Nexia KPS Strategic Advisory provides business owners with a team of professionals dedicated to examining business performance and enacting a plan to take it to the next level. Through this and our commitment to working closely with you, we build an understanding of your business and can provide expert assistance to make your business perform at its best. We have internal processes to document a user-friendly and results oriented unique strategic plan.

Implementation services may include:

  • Operational and business transformation
  • Change management
  • Securing governance assistance where possible
  • Partnering your business with respected experts to move your business forward
  • Vision, mission and goal setting
  • Structuring work teams
  • Employee performance improvement
  • Strategic marketing plans
  • Brand positioning
  • IT Roadmap
  • Working capital optimisation
  • Exit strategy

Our team will apply the right processes to ensure that you know where your business is. We start working on priority issues that you have identified and assist in planning for the changes you require over time.

Our Service Solution

Our team works with your leadership team to analyse where your business is at, where you want to take it, and develops a strategic plan and set of KPI’s to measure progress. We work with you, your management team and other respected professionals in HR, marketing, IT, production management to make the changes happen.

To drive implementation we engage with your management team via regular communication and formal monthly meetings on-site. We are also at the ready to deal with any urgent issues that arise.

For further information or to discuss how Nexia KPS can assist your organisation, please get in touch with a local Nexia KPS Advisor.

Relevant Contacts

  • Tan Siddharta
    Tan Siddharta is Partner in Nexia KPS
  • Florus Daeli
    Florus Daeli is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS
  • Robi Barmawanto
    Robi is Consulting Partner at Nexia KPS
  • Maringan P Sibarani
    Maringan P Sibarani is Audit Partner in Nexia KPS